Sunday, 25 January 2015

cv pdf free download

Best Sample Template Example of Professional Resume / Curriculum Vitae / CV Format with Career Objective & Professional Summary for Freshers & Experienced in Word / Doc / Pdf Format Free Download

Name:        Vineeta Dixit      
Mob. No.:               +91-9876543210
Email Id.:     

Curriculum Vitae

Career Objective

"To learn and perform to the best of my ability and enhance my skills in pursuit of contributing to the success of my organization."

Educational Qualification

Year of Passing
Gautam Buddha Technical University
Krishna Institute of Technology, Kanpur
63.6% (till 7th semester)
Indian School Certficate (I.S.C)
Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centre, Awadhpuri, Kanpur
High School
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E)
Dr. Virendra Swarup Education Centre, Awadhpuri, Kanpur

Core Strengths

Ø  Willingness to learn
Ø  Ability to get along
Ø  Positive attitude
Ø  Trouble Shooter
Ø  Team player

Technical Skills

Ø  Programming in C and JAVA
Ø  Analytical Ability
Ø  Logical Skills

Industrial Training & Certifications

Ø   Attended 1 month core JAVA classes by C.G.Technologies, Kanpur.
Ø  Certified by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. in Industrial C Programming.

Projects (ongoing)

Advanced Citizen ID Card (based on .Net Framework 3.5):
Ø   The objective of this project is to create an Advanced Citizen ID Card (Smart Card) having all Biometrics, Banking, Credit, PAN card and personal information. Some modules of this project are Voice Recognition, Finger Print Recognition, Location Tracer, Card Reading and Data Feeding.

Projects (completed)

Online Job Portal (based on JSP,CSS,HTML):
Ø   The objective of this project is to design a job portal where job seekers can create their profile and search appropriate jobs for themselves.  


Ø  Winner of JIGYASA (G.K QUIZ) at the College Fest INCEPTION in 2012.
Ø  Runner up of LAN Gaming (Counter Strike) in Rampage at Krishna Institute of Technology (2012)
Ø  Coordinator of various events at the College Fest INCEPTION, ANNNIHILATION and RAMPAGE.
Ø  Participated in Environment Education and Awareness Programme organized by U.P. Govt.
Ø  Participated in Sprite Gully Cricket (T-10) in 2011 and 2012.
Ø  Participated in Blood Donation Camp by SGPGIMS, Lucknow in 2011.
Ø  Participated in IGNITIA at Pranveer Singh Institue Of Technology in 2011.

Personal Profile

Father's Name                      :               Mr Sushil Dixit
Date of Birth                         :               9 th Sep 1993
Nationality                           :               Indian
Languages Known                :               English, Hindi

Contact Information

Address                                 :               Flat no.504, Kung  Apartment, 119/B/14, Sonar Nagar, Kanpur-248086.
E-mail ID                               :     
Contact No.                           :               +91-9876543210


I hereby declare that all that all the information mentioned above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Place      : Kanpur                                                                                                                                 (Vaibhav Dixit)

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